Thursday, February 26, 2009

He loves me ~ He loves me Not!

In 2003 I met Arturo! We fell in love! He was from Costa Rica I lived my life in Manitoba but we met in a small town in Ontario, working in a green house! It was perfect, we were young in love it was just him and I! (Nov 12- March 30 2004) We spent approximately 1 year together in Canada! He left to go back home Oct 2004. Saying good bye was extremely hard for me, I thought I had met the most amazing man EVER! Heaven Sent, you could say! Jan-2005 I left Canada to go make my life with the love of my life in Costa Rica - Waited forever to go see him, never missed anyone as much as I had him! When I arrived in Costa Rica I was not even sure what feelings to feel, what to say---I walked off the plane my heart pounding in my chest, just waiting to see him, wondering if I looked pretty enough after the long flight. I got my bags went through customs fine and went on my way---looking everywhere to see if I could see him. Our eyes met and I will never forget the way that it felt when he wrapped his arms around me - it was TRUE LOVE! All the people outside the airport whistling and screaming~~reunited!

A few months after having lived in Costa Rica, Arturo and I were living the night life ~ Raves, partying, drinking, drugs ~ We were young, in love and having fun ~ Fun that soon turned out to be a serious problem! Arturo got involved with cocaine which in no time turned into a crack addiction. I loved him with all my heart, but he soon loved drugs more than he loved me or our love! I don't think I have ever cried the way that I did seeing him getting lost in something that I knew he might never get out of! This was the first person in my life that completely respected me, the first person that I felt totally loved by and in no amount of time I had lost him ~ not even knowing who he was! Our relationship got abusive, he would threaten to hide my passport on me, threatening to kill me, saying I would never be able to go back home again! I decided I had to leave I payed for part of a plane ticket and was going to pay the rest at the end of the week ~ Arturo showed up at my work got down on his knees and begged for my forgiveness vowing to change, begging me not to leave! I decided to stay ~ I loved him! He started some rehab classes that stopped after the first time he went and the abuse started again he kept smoking crack, I left in Oct 2004 to go home, I stayed here for about a month and went back home to Arturo ~ We wanted to start new, at that time he had me convinced that he could change that fast, I believed he was off of drugs! We moved into a new apartement - I loved living there I loved life with Arturo, I LOVED HIM! Two weeks after being there it all started again ~ He tried hard to change I know he did but he couldn't and he didn't......time went on, I honestly think that the tears that I shed in that year could not even amount to a life time of tears! In November 2005 I got a sleeping sickness or so I thought ~ I slept a week straight all I wanted to do was sleep....sleep! Nov 12-2005 Our second year anniversary I found out I was pregnant! I thought that this HAD to change Arturo---it just had to~! It didn't, I gave him a choice and he chose crack cocaine! We sold all we had boughten together and I went home December 24-2005.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mary everything you write is incredible, i'm so sorry that you and Mia, have been left in the dark like that, all you can do is keep praying and one day God will answer your prayers...I love you and you are an amazing sister and Mia is the most cutest niece and funniest niece i have...I will continue to pray for you Mia and mostly Arturo<3
